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“EMBR is a free, GOTS tool to help your team collect, organize, and share Defense M&S information and resources.”

Enterprise Metacard Builder Resource (EMBR) Tool

Managing and Sharing Assets Has Never Been Easier.

EMBR is a customizable software solution that makes asset management and sharing across the enterprise easy. EMBR’s search and publish features make resources visible, understandable, and available to authorized users.

Secure and Accessible

Secure and Accessible

Easy as Google®

Users can easily locate resources with a category or keyword search. Results can be quickly analyzed and filtered by description, geographic location, and resource type.

Painless Publishing

With the use of a simple web-based form, EMBR captures your data and creates a resource record. Collaboration and vetting options are available throughout the creation and publishing process.

Cost Savings

EMBR provides cost and time savings by identifying duplicate and potential reuse assets, as well as, reducing reporting efforts. As a GOTS tool, EMBR is free to government agencies. Customization is available at affordable rates. Dynamic and visual, EMBR dashboards offer visual data analytics and reports, geospatial search and display, and relationship diagrams.