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Modeling & Simulation

Bringing industry-leading processes to the modern warfighter

Innovative Solutions Where it Matters Most

Modeling and Simulation (M&S) provides powerful and cost-effective tools that can be used to promote innovation, facilitate design, integrate and test capability, and support training. SimVentions’ current experience in M&S spans a range of functional areas, which include Tactical System Simulation and Analysis, M&S Standards Development, M&S Subject Matter Expertise, and M&S Tool Development. Leveraging this experience, we are able to directly support customers such as the Naval Systems Warfare Center’s Dahlgren, Dam Neck Corona, and Crane Divisions, PEO IWS, the DoD Modeling and Simulation Enterprise (MSE), Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO), DARPA, JIAMDO, NRL, and NAVAIR Pax.

Tactical System Simulation and Analysis

SimVentions develops models and simulations to perform analysis and testing of tactical combat systems and their utilization in the fleet. From NATO theater missile defense engagements to electronic warfare to artillery ballistics, our M&S expertise paired with our operational military experience provide the very best solutions to our warfighters. Our experience includes developing ‘virtual twin’ systems employed by our customers to simulate and stimulate tactical systems. This work has offered customers a more cost-effective alternative to using production tactical systems to support development, integration, test, and operator training. We also employ current architecture modeling tools and languages such as System Architect, MagicDraw, UML, and SysML, and add commercial innovations to our solutions, such as Google Earth and the Base Object Model (BOM) standard, to make our solutions cost-effective and easy to use.

M&S Standards Development

Over the last decade, SimVentions has authored and led the development of significant standards in the M&S community related to metadata and conceptual modeling. SimVentions is the primary author of the M&S Community of Interest Discovery Metadata Specification (MSC-DMS), which is the DoD-approved standard for tagging and exchanging metadata. We are also the primary authors and developers of the BOM specification, which is an international standard approved by the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) and adopted by the DoD. Our recent work with SISO includes the development of the M&S Acquisition Profile framework, which provides a means to support M&S across all acquisition activities. Additionally, we have applied our conceptual model expertise to support the development of other standards including the IEEE Distributed Simulation Environment and Execution Process (DSEEP), the SISO Simulation Markup Reference Language (SRML), and support to the DoD study on Joint Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) Frameworks.

M&S Subject Matter Expertise

Since its inception in 2000, SimVentions has demonstrated its expertise in the development of M&S requirements, standards, architectures, prototypes, and applications for a variety of needs including research, analysis, acquisition, testing, and training.  Our experience allows us to focus on providing the functionality offered by M&S to enable the DoD community and drive value to our warfighters. Our expertise also includes SMEs with operational experience with many of our customer’s systems, both operational/tactical and non-tactical, which enables SimVentions to realistically represent modeled-system behaviors.

M&S Tool Development

SimVentions has developed a variety of tools designed to catalog, find, facilitate working with, and interoperate between popular M&S standards. We have also built several data modeling and analysis tools to enable digital engineering transformation for our customers.  The following list is sampling of SimV technologies developed in the realm of M&S. 

  • EMBR (Enterprise Metacard Builder Resource) is a significant capability to catalog and find assets for M&S. EMBR is the core of the Defense Modeling and Simulation Catalog and the basis of many other solutions.
  • MTAT (Mission Task Analysis Tool) enables modeling and analysis of human performance, operator workload, and manpower estimation.
  • Informedb (Info for me in the Database) Enterprise Technology enables data modeling for digital engineering solutions for strategic planning, model-based program management, and knowledge management.
  • SuMMIT (Supportability Maintenance Management Information Tool) brings a rich data and user environment to collect, curate, analyze, and visualize fleet readiness data from EW System Availability.
  • HHITS (Hardware Open Systems Technologies (HOST) Hardware Integration Tool Set) allows hardware system integrators to search a repository of HOST compatible hardware components, virtually build a chassis, apply rule sets, and identify and mitigate incompatibilities before acquiring any hardware.
  • DEXTER is a system integration tool to visually map and transform messages between systems including those based on the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Technical Standard.
  • InformeDDS (Information For Me in Data Distribution Service) provides analysts with an intuitive visual representation of a publish/subscribe network, providing fast recognition of problem areas and interactive search and navigation of the current publish/subscribe network.
  • PRIOR models and catalogs the components of Navy combatants and helps discover and understand interoperability problems in a battlegroup.
  • RUPART (Resource Utilization Prediction/Planning Analysts Resource Tool) helps monitor and analyze M&S traffic in complex simulations to find spikes, bottlenecks, and opportunities for optimizing simulations and their related networks.
  • SimV is a key contributor and co-author of the MSC-DMS for the Defense Modeling and Simulation Enterprise (MSE) and the Base Object Model (BOM) Standard with SISO.
  • An eXperiential Reality (XR) environment, which uses the Unity engine, to demonstrate various mission threads for autonomous systems.


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