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“I have a passion for what we call Full Spectrum Innovation, which is centered on personal, technical, and corporate growth. There’s always an opportunity to improve, influence, and make an impact. Innovation is influenced by three things: technology, best practices, and people. But it’s the people that make SimVentions great.”

Paul Gustavson

Chief Technology Officer

Fosters innovation, contributes to the company’s strategic vision, leads IR&D efforts, provides technical expertise, and participates in industry standards development.


  • Cofounder of SimVentions (2000)
  • Old Dominion University (BS in Computer Engineering)
  • Identifies and contributes to the company’s capability and influencing of the strategic vision 
  • Manages Innovation, Research, and Development (IR&D) initiatives and provides campaign oversight
  • Experienced in the development of software, simulations, interoperability standards, Naval surface system components, Virtual Reality (VR), and digital engineering environments 
  • Contributing author to C++Builder 6 Developer’s Guide, Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation, Breaking Average, and Imagine